Monday, March 12, 2012

11 Questions -

The Rules

-post these rules
-post a photo and eleven random things about yourself
-answer the questions provided by the one who tagged you
-create eleven new questions for the people you tag
-contact those you choose and let them know they've been tagged  

The Picture
The Facts

- I have a thing for guys that wear cowboy boots/hats and that are c.o.m.p.l.e.t.e.l.y wrong for me
- I am extremely indecisive
- I am one of the only people in my (immediate) family that tries their hardest to keep in touch with both my mother's and father's side of the families.
- My dream car is a white, with red stripes, 1970's camero
- Country is my background music (mike's words)
- I get along way easier with boys than I do girls
- If I had to choose one thing to watch for the rest of my life, it would be Friends... that show will NEVER get old
- When it comes to the common areas of my house, I am kinda a neat freak, but my own room looks like hurrican Katrina came thru and threw clothes EVERYWHERE
- I go thru a lot of "best friends" but there are only about a dozen (besides family..... even though Kim likes to consider herself a friend as well... im strictly talking outside the family) that actually stuck thru the years
- I will always choose family over friends
- Inspirational and love quotes make up most of my nights

The Answers

- what did you want to be when you grew up?? and why did/didnt that happen?? Well besides the dream of being a famous singer, I used to want to be an architect (I can blame Sims for that)... but when I took a class for it in college, I realized that it was nothing like Sims and it wasnt actually as fun as I thought... Also the teacher was horrible and didnt know what he was doing, so that also had an affect on it.
- what are you most proud of yourself for?? I am most proud of myself for being so focused on family. The fact that I cared more about my family than money that I was able to just drop everything for two months and help them.. It may sound bad, but I'm proud that it was such a simple answer. Family.
- what is one of your deepest fears?? Death of close family. OR. Falling in love. (one more that you'll learn about later).
- what is your stongest ambition in life?? To get Roxanna to tell me that I'm pretty. Because right now, our conversations go along the lines of, "Roxy, do I look pretty today??" -me "Ummm. No. You not pretty" - Xanna.
- if you were to die today, what would you want people to say at your funeral?? That I never truly let life get me down. That I always found something to smile and laugh about each and every day.
- what is your favorite vacation spot?? Why?? This one is a tie. My two favorite vacation spots are The Valley of Fire/Overton NV and Puerto Panasco, Mexico. Both because this is where I get to spend time with just my cousins; no distractions, card games, and a whole bunch of laughs.
- what was your favorite animal as a young kid?? what is it now?? I have always loved monkeys and dolphins... and I still havent grown out of that.
- who do you trust more than anyone else in this world?? Simple. My mother.
- if you had to choose to lose a sense, which one would it be?? This one is a tough one, but I would have to choose feel. I want to see the beautiful faces of my nieces and nephews as they grow up. I want to hear the sound of their laughs when they are happy. I want to walk in the park and smell the pretty flowers. I want to taste my favorite foods. But at least with feel, when I get hugged and kissed, I will know at least what is happening and what its supposed to feel like.
- what feelings do you have when you think of the future?? Fear. Its my all time biggest fear.
- what is your favorite type of therapy?? Either a nice, warm, sandy beach vacation where I can sit in the water and sun and forget about the horrible things in this world... Or spending time (playing a card game or road tripping) with Kami, Shena, Tawni, Kim, Bree, and Ashley.

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