Sunday, March 25, 2012

Runnin' Hard -

I've never been a quitter.. (the only exception being, relationships).. but growing up, quiting just wasn't an option.. if something hurt, you just push harder. I remember being in junior high, doing the sprint ladders, and watching people just give up or fake an injury. I would always think to myself, "what is the point in giving up??" or "I wonder how it is at their house if they are always quiting." because, back in my house, if we started something, "we got to finish it" - how my dad put it.

I run 3.1 miles almost every day, trying to get into my goal time of under 30 min. for the 5K that's coming up. I try to push myself a little harder each day, and being okay with a 34 min time is just not acceptable. I cant just give up on that goal. Its just not how I was raised. Well, today I  got super tired after only 1 mile and walked most of the 2.1 miles left. It was one of my worst times, and needless to say, I was very disappointed in myself.

While sitting outside trying to get cooled off, my dad walks over and asks what was wrong. I explain how I wasn't the happiest with myself and that run. He leaned over, and said words that I seem to always overlook, "not every run has to be your best run"

Its 100% true. My parents raised me to never quit, but they never said I always had to win either. We shouldn't be so hard on ourselves when we have a weak day. Instead, we should look forward to tomorrow, where we know we have room to improve. Tomorrow is a new day, embrace it.

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